Every year about this time of the spring I start thinking about heading for home. It’s been a very busy time. We have camped with friends and a few strangers who became friends. We’ve pretty much covered Arizona and some of Mexico. We’ve had heat and cool, rain and hail, wind and thunder. And it’s been both fun and work.
By now I am starting to get sick of living in a trailer and getting anxious to get back to our home. When we first retired we considered traveling full time but I quickly realized that I wouldn’t be happy without a home base. Even though we are gone 6 months of the year, the time we spend in Hunters seems much longer than any other time. I am guessing that we might get another 4 or 5 years of this galavanting around. Then we will be spending our winters at home. I think we will be ready for that, come what may.
We are currently in Paradise, AZ helping out our good friend Jackie with her Bed and Breakfasts. We are repairing her water feature and cleaning out her sheds. The weather was very hot one day and it hailed the next so its pretty hard to know what to wear. But we are in mountains above 5000 ft. so we just roll with it.
The old wooden shed we are cleaning out is a temporary home for a Ring Tailed Cat. He thinks he is hiding from us but his long tail is hanging down where we can see it. He has made quite a mess we have to clean up but it will be good for another year. Our hope is to have a garage sale to cut down on all the stuff that has been in storage for way too long. It’s quite a job but we are almost done.
Dale went in with Jackie’s new deluxe Shop Vac to finish the job.
The new pond liner is down and Dale laid a thin coat of cement and Jackie pressed small rocks into the cement. With bigger rocks along the side it looks quite realistic.
I hope we will move down to another campsite so Dale can do some rock hounding and I can do some hiking.
Then, it’s time to head for home.